pada malam itu

evening all my blogger, my followers, or all the readers hahahaha *gaya beudhh dah. hm, oke let's talk about the secret. kalian tau kan selama ini di akhir posting gw selalu ada kata 'A' hm yeaaah he's my secret. he's my senior in my school. kita udah saling kenal dari awal gw masuk SMA. hm, karena akhir-akhir ini gw selalu ngerasa down, dengan apa yang terjadi pada hati gw. oke, langsung aja ya. kemarin tepat pada tanggal 16 Februari 2010. sekitar jam 8 malem dia sms gw kalo ternyata dia udah pulang les. oke gw bales lagi kan, sampe pada akhirnya gw nanya gini :

"hey, do you remember yesterday iwant to talking about something ?"

A "ya, apa ?"
if I describe you as being there for me, when I'm sad and comforted me, give me your attention and give a little hope for me, as a light in the darkness or the stars while keeping in my sleep. what's on your mind about all this?"
A "i dont wanna to hurt you"
gw "what your way?"
A "stay here. cause now..."
gw "cause now?"
A "ya, because now, a woman came to me and she said she loves me, she's fam know me and my fam know her."
A "wait, you said, i make you comfort . mean ?"
gw "yes i comfort if near you and stand beside you"
A "then. whats feel ?"
gw "my feels ?"
A "ya"
--------------------------(the secret)------------------------------

then, at the end of the message he sent to me "before i know your feel. i love you.. you know ?but, thats happen longtime,, when me and you chat in the first time i know who are 'A' ". lalu yang paling terakhir dia sms gw "met bobo dear hehe. >.<>

and now, me and you know what really happened to us. but I'm sure the best is not in force. i'm very happy to know you, yang penting sekarang kita jalanin aja semuanya karena karma itu berlaku. dulu yang terjadi itu pada mu dan sekarang terjadi pada ku. it's FAIR. really, apa pun yang terjadi aku pasti doakan yang terbaik hahahaha (saikkkkk).

ini posting buat seseorang yang gw sering panggil abang, cuis, jupiter, tapi nama aslinya adalah.................. A <~~ (fenomenal ceritanya hahaha) IRZHA :)

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