i will try to forget you. I (must) CAN DO IT !!!

When You're Gone

I always need time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years
when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie
is made up on your side

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you

I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do
Reminds me of you
And the clothes you left they lie on the floor
And they smell just like you
I love the things that you do

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you

we were made for each other
out here forever
i know we were
yeah yeah
all i wanted was for you to know
everything i do i give my heart and soul
i can hardly breathe i need to feel you here with me

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you



hey all, kepala gw pusing dah sumpah !! hari ini gak sekolah soalnya di liburin kelas 3 ada to gitu. ah padahal gw mau cerita banyak tapi pala gw pusingnya naujubilah deh. mana ayah gw nyetel lagu-lagu sunda gitu yang buat nikahan yang sering di puterin kalo ada kondangan gitu tuh hahaha. wait, sunda ??. jadi inget lagi sama yang lalu hahahaha. stop deh lupain aja.

ya udah eke sih cuma mau sharing doang tadinya eh tapi kepala gw pusing gwnya juga mau tidur aja deh dari pada besok sekolah pingsan di depan kelas mendingan cari aman aja deeeh. okey doain gw ya cepet sembuh.... thanks before :)


penyesalan itu datang di akhir

Yang Terlewatkan
oleh: Sheila On 7

Kemana kau s’lama ini
Bidadari yang kunanti
Kenapa baru sekarang
Kita dipertemukan

Sesal tak ‘kan ada arti
Karna semua t’lah terjdi
Kini kau t'lah menjalani
Sisa hidup dengannya

Mungkin salahku… Melewatkanmu…
Tak mencarimu… Sepenuh hati…
Maafkan aku…

Kesalahanku… Melewatkanmu…
Hingga kau kini… Dengan yang lain…
Maafkan aku…

Jika berulang kembali
Kau tak akan terlewati
Segenap hati kucari
Di mana kau berada

Walau ku terlambat
Kau tetap yang terhebat
Melihatmu… Mendengarmu…
Kaulah yang terhebat


pada malam itu

evening all my blogger, my followers, or all the readers hahahaha *gaya beudhh dah. hm, oke let's talk about the secret. kalian tau kan selama ini di akhir posting gw selalu ada kata 'A' hm yeaaah he's my secret. he's my senior in my school. kita udah saling kenal dari awal gw masuk SMA. hm, karena akhir-akhir ini gw selalu ngerasa down, dengan apa yang terjadi pada hati gw. oke, langsung aja ya. kemarin tepat pada tanggal 16 Februari 2010. sekitar jam 8 malem dia sms gw kalo ternyata dia udah pulang les. oke gw bales lagi kan, sampe pada akhirnya gw nanya gini :

"hey, do you remember yesterday iwant to talking about something ?"

A "ya, apa ?"
if I describe you as being there for me, when I'm sad and comforted me, give me your attention and give a little hope for me, as a light in the darkness or the stars while keeping in my sleep. what's on your mind about all this?"
A "i dont wanna to hurt you"
gw "what your way?"
A "stay here. cause now..."
gw "cause now?"
A "ya, because now, a woman came to me and she said she loves me, she's fam know me and my fam know her."
A "wait, you said, i make you comfort . mean ?"
gw "yes i comfort if near you and stand beside you"
A "then. whats feel ?"
gw "my feels ?"
A "ya"
--------------------------(the secret)------------------------------

then, at the end of the message he sent to me "before i know your feel. i love you.. you know ?but, thats happen longtime,, when me and you chat in facebook.in the first time i know who are 'A' ". lalu yang paling terakhir dia sms gw "met bobo dear hehe. >.<>

and now, me and you know what really happened to us. but I'm sure the best is not in force. i'm very happy to know you, yang penting sekarang kita jalanin aja semuanya karena karma itu berlaku. dulu yang terjadi itu pada mu dan sekarang terjadi pada ku. it's FAIR. really, apa pun yang terjadi aku pasti doakan yang terbaik hahahaha (saikkkkk).

ini posting buat seseorang yang gw sering panggil abang, cuis, jupiter, tapi nama aslinya adalah.................. A <~~ (fenomenal ceritanya hahaha) IRZHA :)

14 Februari

hey all, long time no posting yeee... hehehehe
hari ini hari apa ? ya hari ini hari minggu tanggal 14 februari tahun 2010. ada yang spesial emang ya hah ?? valentine's day ??

hm, okey. menurut gw gak ada yang namanya valentine day soalnya gw gak pernah merayakan dan gak akan pernah mau merayakan, karena Allah SWT akan melaknat orang-orang yang musyrik terhadapnya, jadi yang percaya kalo valentine itu hari kasih sayang yaaa siap-siap aja deh ya di laknat, astagfirullah mudah-mudahan gw bukan termasuk golongan orang-orang yang musryik amiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin.

oke plan pagi tadi sih jam 7an gitu gw mau atletik sekaligus main basket sama si abang, eh tapi ternyata gak jadi soalnya gw di pengaruhi gitu deh sama temen gw huu!! trus kan abang gw ajak belajar bareng jadi barteran ilmu tapi gak jadi juga soalnya dia mau try out simak UI di tempat lesnya, GOOD LUCK ya Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaangs :)

gw boseeeen deh, sumpeh gw bosen banget nih di rumah.

miss you (A)


Ijinkan Aku Menyayangimu.
oleh Iwan Fals

Andai kau ijinkan
Walau sekejap memandang
Kubuktikan kepadamu
Aku memiliki rasa

Cinta yang kupendam
Tak sempat aku nyatakan
Karena kau telah memilih
Menutup pintu hatimu

Ijinkan aku membuktikan
Inilah kesungguhan rasa
Ijinkan aku menyayangimu

Reff :
Sayangku oh
Dengarkanlah isi hatiku
Cintaku oh
Dengarkanlah isi hatiku

Back to *

Bila cinta tak mungkin menyatukan kita
Bila kita tak mungkin bersama
Aku tetap menyayangimu

Back to Reff

Sayangku oh
Dengarkanlah isi hatiku
Aku sayang padamu
Ijinkan aku membuktikan

present for (A)

from me to you who dont care about me

hey you're there, you're not aware of my love, you're not aware of any honesty my words, you're not aware of my feelings. here, in my heart I just want to be honest about my feelings on you. maybe directly because I'm not an expert in it. you never know what I feel, you never know how heavy I really miss you, you never know how much I really want you. you never know how happy I am to receive a message from you, you never know how hard it is today without seeing you, because you never know how sincere my heart to welcome your love. because you never know how much I needed you, because you never know how much I had hard way with words my feelings at all to you, because you dont know how much I respect you, because you dont know how much I care for you. but until when I have this? until when I have to wait for you? until when I must keep my sense of this?. should I first started to be honest to you? I should first show my feelings?. then what should I do it again? all I do to show my feelings to you? This sucks and make me sad. many people I meet, but only you that makes me very confused like this. every day you know I always pray that you will know my feelings? maybe this is the way my destiny, my life, you admire without the love, for I it’s okay as long as you're happy. and make me love you, too is one of the most beautiful gift. now I just want you to know yourself here my self waiting for you even if I wait until now and hope that now you will understand what I feel. thank you for everything. do not waste time once again to be honest with me because I can read your heart through into your eyes when you looked at me.


and i love it

by: Secondhand Serenade

Waiting for your call, common sick,common I'm angry
common I'm desperate for your voice
Listening to the song we used to sing
In the car, do you remember
Butterfly, Early Summer
It's playing on repeat, Just like when we would meet
Like when we would meet

Cause I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

Stripped and pollished, I am new, I am fresh
I am feeling so ambitious, you and me, flesh to flesh
Cause every breath that you will take
When you are sitting next to me
Will bring life into my deepest hopes, What's your fantasy?
(What's your, what's your...)

I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

And I'm tired of being all alone, and this solitary moment makes me want to come back home
(I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have)

I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight
(I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have)

about him

now 9 pm, baru aja gw sms si dia tapi kayaknya gak di bales soalnya pasti lagi capek atau belum kelar lesnya. mmm ya ya ya gw tau anak kelas 3 banyak lesnya dia ipa pula lagi jadinya kan harus ekstra tuh otaknya di isi hahahahahha....... yang jelas tadi siang seneng banget dia yang minta sendiri loh buat ketemua sama gw walau pun cuma di lapangan hahahaha soalnya di tempat yang kita janjiin ternyata ada guru yang ngeribetin. well, dari pada adu bacot sama tuh guru mending nyari aman aja deh. hehehe... walaupun dianya gak jelas, jadi kan dia minta gw buat nyamperin dia, okeh sok atuh saya teh nyamperin dia aja ehhhh gak taunya pas gw nyamperin dia trus kan gw bilang gini "ada apa ?" eh malah dia kayak meratiin muka gw gitu, emang udah meratiin sih pas gw turun dari tangga. trus dia jawab "gak ada apa-apa, ya udah pulang gih". idiiiih sompreeet aneh banget sih lo hahahahahaha kalo kangen bilang aja deh pake ngeles segala huuuuuuuuu.....

miss you (A)

many storiiiiesssssssssssssssss

hey yoooo everybody !!! lama tak jumpa dan tak melihat kawan kawan ku se antero alam semesta hahahahahhaha.....
many story yeaaay memang selama sebulan gw gak posting memang banyak yang mau gw ceritain. may be dimulai dari posting selanjutnya ya hahahahaha.......